Jennifer Currence is the CEO of WithIN Leadership, a leadership development and coaching company focusing on legacy leadership – who you want to be – in Tampa, Florida. It is here where Jennifer delivers results through customized training and coaching programs for leaders and Human Resources. She is the creator of the Leading for RealTM leadership development program and content creator for Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM’s) new People Manager Qualification (PMQ).
She earned her MBA with an emphasis in management and holds a nationally accredited certification in coaching (ACC) and two international senior-level certifications in human resources (SPHR and SHRM-SCP). Jennifer has been recognized as a Thought Leader by the International Society of Performance Improvement, a Subject Matter Expert by SHRM, and was named Tampa Bay’s HR Consultant of the Year for 2017. She has 20+ years of experience in Human Resources and training in organizations, is a university professor, and is one of roughly 50 people in the world serving as a faculty member for SHRM.
Jennifer met JULO Strategy’s CEO Juliann Nichols at a Predictive Index Class they were both attending, and they established a relationship. Jennifer took CEO Mindset because she realized there were things she didn’t understand about running a business and the processes she needed to succeed.
During CEO Mindset, Jennifer learned how to “bake cupcakes,” Juliann’s process for writing detailed procedures, and her exit strategy – who does she want to be when she grows up. Jennifer focused on where she was in the present and not where she wanted to be. Her A-Ha Moment during CEO Mindset was thinking about the end game – a big awareness for her. She is still acting upon that awareness today.
Jennifer’s best things about CEO Mindset were hearing from other entrepreneurs – their successes and failures. The class helped her understand why she is a leader and business owner and clarify her business role. She now understands what she can automate, delegate, and eliminate to do more things she enjoys and is a genius doing. She’s learned how to spend her time wisely and more effectively.
Jennifer’s revenues have increased and are the most they’ve been since taking CEO Mindset. Being a CEO means freedom, constant change, a lot of innovation, and empowerment to Jennifer. She now has control over her destiny.
Jennifer has been published in HR Magazine and featured in Fast Company magazine, USA Weekly, and She is a professional member of the National Speaker’s Association, the International Coaching Federation, and the author of three SHRM-published books on business behavioral competencies.
We are so proud of your accomplishments, Jennifer, and look forward to watching your continued successes! Nichols Nichols2021-03-02 11:41:342021-03-02 11:41:34Jennifer Currence, MBA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, ACC, CEO of WithIN Leadership
Is there some way to advance your career that’s faster than completing an MBA, and easier than rescuing your company from a hostile takeover bid? The truth is there are plenty of microchanges that can have a macro effect on increasing your value as an employee.
If you want a raise or just more job satisfaction, try these simple tips for taking your work performance to the next level. They’ll pay off quickly.
Online Microchanges for Greater Career Success
The internet makes it easy to gain knowledge and promote your visibility. Take advantage of virtual opportunities to climb the career ladder.
Edit your LinkedIn profile. When’s the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile? Let colleagues see your most recent accomplishments. Research the most effective keywords that will make you stand out.
Manage your network. Organize your contacts so you can follow up with the interesting graphic designer you met on the jogging trail. Whatever software you use, a successful system will help you to stay in touch and grow your network.
Support others. Networking is more effective and rewarding when you focus on giving to others. Take a second to retweet someone’s message or recommend a former intern on LinkedIn.
Follow industry news. Impress others with your knowledge. Spend a few minutes between meetings scanning the top business blogs in your industry.
Collect time saving apps. Use technology to increase your productivity. Find a program that will remember your passwords or play phone tag for you.
Monitor your time. On the other hand, it’s easy to lose track of time when you’re browsing online. Set limits on your YouTube sessions if you find yourself becoming distracted.
Offline Microchanges for Greater Career Success
Face-to-face interactions still have a dramatic impact. Maybe that’s even more true today when so much communication occurs electronically. See what a difference showing up in person can make.
Demonstrate initiative. Identify what your boss considers to be the top business priorities so you know where to devote your efforts. Find a way to contribute that goes above and beyond your job description.
Volunteer your assistance. Make allies by being helpful and generous. Pitch in when your office mate is facing a tight deadline.
Speak up. Participating in meetings and business discussions will grow your confidence as they bring you extra approval.
Radiate enthusiasm. Your boss will trust and value you more if you show that you’re invested in your career. Think about how your efforts contribute to the success of the company.
Express gratitude. Let your colleagues know how much you appreciate them. Offer sincere praise and share credit for team projects. They’ll be more likely to return the favor.
Dress sharp. Appearances count. Pay attention to the office culture so you can choose an appropriate wardrobe even if there’s no formal dress code. One good rule of thumb is to start dressing like the position you want to hold in the future.
Join a professional association. Membership has its benefits, including networking and educational opportunities. Your employer may be willing to cover all or part of the cost.
Use your vacation days. According to the Harvard Business Review, employees who take all of their vacation time have a 6.5% higher chance of receiving a promotion or a raise than their peers who are stockpiling their time off. Now, that’s a fun way to succeed in business.
The average fulltime work week in the United States is already 47 hours long. Wouldn’t you like to have a strategy for impressing your boss that doesn’t involve putting in a lot of extra hours? These microchanges will help you do a great job and maintain balance in your life. Nichols Nichols2021-03-02 11:24:132021-03-02 11:53:0414 Microchanges Guaranteed to Advance Your Career
If you have never heard of microgreens, they are young vegetable greens that fall somewhere between sprouts and baby leaf vegetables. They have an intense aromatic flavor and concentrated nutrient content and come in a variety of colors and textures. Although fragile, microgreens are versatile and flavorful and can complement or shine in any dish. And yes, they make powerful and delicious garnishes – but they are more than just toppers. Despite their small size, they pack a nutritional punch, often containing higher nutrient levels than more mature vegetable greens. This makes them a good addition to any diet.
If you are looking for these fresh greens, Sara Ferrera, Founder and CEO of Floaty’s Farm has you covered. Sara provideslocal residents with these tiny but beautiful plantsand does it all in her own backyard!
Sara Ferrera spent most of her childhood running through cattle farms with friends in Russellville, Arkansas. Born in her grandparent’s cabin in the Ozark Mountains, Sara is no stranger to the wilderness and still finds solace when surrounded by nature.
In 2011, Sara followed her grandfather’s footsteps and joined the Army as an Intelligence Analyst. She spent her days working in an office conducting research and processing Soldiers for the Combat Aviation Brigade out of Fort Riley, Kansas. Office life was a challenge, but Sara met the love of her life – in the next cubical over, and within a year, they were married.
In August 2014, Sara left active duty to pursue the Army Reserves and experience what life was like on the “civilian side.” She soon moved to Florida to eventually become a contracted intelligence analyst until February of 2019, when she decided to pursue her passion and work toward a Fish and Wildlife Management degree. However, due to health complications, Sara put her education on hold.
In January 2020, Sara joined the Veterans Florida Agricultural internship with the University of Florida’s Gulf Coast Research and Education Center. This hands-on opportunity gave Sara just what she needed, a chance to learn the ins and outs of commercial agriculture.
Sara expanded her knowledge by learning how to research chemical impacts of produce yield, identifying plant disease, identifying nematodes, and more. However, her internship was cut short due to COVID-19, and she was unable to continue lab rotations. Instead, Sara moved to the Farm Crew, where she transitioned from intern and eventually to a permanent employee. Sara’s time on the Farm Crew has been invaluable. She has learned managerial techniques, equipment logistics, and chemical operations. But the biggest lesson learned was that it is okay to make mistakes as long as you fix them and move forward.
Sara has taken this lesson – along with her husband and team members’ encouragement and moved forward with starting her own urban farm, Floaty’s Farm.
She attended our CEO Mindset course to have a solid business plan and information on how to move forward to be successful. “I learned that I have a fear of failure but also success. I couldn’t start my business or begin to sell until I was confident in myself to get customers.”While focusing on produce, she still didn’t have a niche, therefore, she wasn’t going anywhere with the product. Encouraged by peers, she decided to focus on microgreens and when she put out there what she was selling, she sold out in ONE DAY. She managed her time better by incorporating an assistant to handle tasks so she could focus on her produce.
Floaty’s Farm began as a multi-produce urban farm, but after going through and utilizing what she learned from JULO Strategy, Sara now produces a microgreen specialty farm. Soon after, she began raising Barred Rock chickens and vermicomposting to assist with fertilization.
Sara has vivid plans for Floaty’s Farm’s future, including expanding produce offerings, raising livestock, and an education center to teach others about responsible farming, wildlife conservation, and how agriculture can help others battling PTSD, much like her own internship. Nichols Nichols2021-01-29 16:26:122021-01-29 16:26:12Sara Ferrera, Veteran and CEO of Floaty’s Farm – Providing Locals With Home Grown Microgreens
What you do in the morning can set the tone for what happens until you go back to bed. Start your day with rituals that make you feel powerful and alive.
Mornings are a busy time for many families just getting everyone out of the door on time.
On the other hand, you and your kids may be spending your days at home. That can be just as stressful as commuting, especially if you’re concerned about your health and finances.
The specific habits you choose will depend on your values and goals. Start small and have fun experimenting. Consider these ideas for morning rituals designed to help you thrive.
Empowering Morning Rituals for Your Body:
First and foremost – BRAIN DUMP! We cannot preach enough how important it is to get everything you are thinking down on paper. Take 15 minutes out of your morning to jot down your thoughts.
Skip the snooze button. Do you feel groggy even after 8 hours of sleep? The trouble could be your snooze button. It interrupts your body’s natural waking process. That can cause sleep inertia that lasts for hours.
Drink water. You may want to postpone your first cup of coffee. Plain water will rehydrate your organs and make you feel more alert. You can add a little flavor with berries, herbs, or cucumber slices.
Eat breakfast. You also need to refuel. Enjoy a balanced meal of traditional breakfast foods or heat up some leftovers. Smart choices include Greek yogurt with fruit or a fish taco.
Work out. Complete your main exercise session or move around a little, especially if you’ll be sitting at a computer for hours. Choose an activity that you love, like yoga or swimming.
Weigh yourself. If you’re trying to lose excess weight, stepping on the scale each day may help. Keep in mind that daily fluctuations are natural, so look for upward or downward trends.
Go outdoors.Morning light wakes up your body and starts a hormone cycle that prepares you for restful sleep at night. Sit on your patio or bike to work.
Empowering Morning Rituals for Your Mind:
Avoid technology. Resist the urge to lose yourself in social media. Turn off your phone or check for urgent messages only.
Be prepared. Starting on tasks the night before can make your mornings more pleasant. Lay out your clothes and pack your briefcase.
Meditate and pray. Nourish your spirituality. If you’re a beginner, start with a few minutes of meditation and build up your time gradually.
Repeat affirmations. Give yourself loving and motivational messages. Speak in the present tense and keep your statements brief. Looking in the mirror can help you focus.
Connect with loved ones. Enjoy family time. Play a word game with your kids while you’re helping them get dressed. Tell your partner that you love them.
Cultivate gratitude. Count your blessings. Think of someone who you need to thank today.
Continue learning. You could use your mornings to complete your degree online or study more informally. Listen to history and economics podcasts. Read high quality fiction or nonfiction.
Have a project. Do you struggle to find time for yourself? The early hours may be an opportunity to engage your personal passions or expand your side gig.
Listen to music. Research shows that listening to music reduces anxiety and enhances mental alertness and memory. Put together a personal playlist or turn on your favorite radio station.
Plan your day. Set goals and block out your time. Otherwise, external events can keep you from focusing on your true priorities. Remember to leave yourself adequate downtime for refreshing breaks.
Kick off your day with a morning routine that will make you feel more productive and fulfilled. Adopt positive habits and jump out of bed with a smile.
Stereotypes and cultural norms can dampen the interest girls have regarding math, science, and technology. Mathematicians and scientists are socially awkward men who wear glasses—at least, according to children. In our world today, the gender gap is narrowly closing due to more widespread knowledge of equality and gender equality in the workplace.
Larry Whiteside Jr., Co-Founder, President, and a member of the Board of DirectorsatICMCP, or International Consortium of Minority Cyber Professionals, strives to achieve the consistent representation of women and minorities in the cybersecurity industry through programs designed to foster recruitment, inclusion, and retention – one person at a time.IMCP tackles the ‘great cyber divide’ with scholarship opportunities, diverse workforce development, innovative outreach, and mentoring programs.
A Veteran CISO and former USAF Officer, Larry has 25+ years of experience building and running cybersecurity programs holding C Level Security executive roles in multiple industries, including DoD, Federal Government, Financial Services, Healthcare, and Critical Infrastructure.
Larry also foundedWhiteside Security in 2009, where he advises several corporate security executives and companies on how to make Cyber Security a number one objective to their business. He has helped CEOs and board members of private cybersecurity companies achieve their sales, marketing, and customer retention goals.
Though he is not a Sneaker Head, Larry owns over 70 pairs of shoes! It includes both sneakers and dress shoes so, I guess you can call him a Shoe Head. He owns every color you can imagine coordinating with every outfit he might wear. They are all organized according to color. And it takes up a LOT of space because he wears a size 15 or 16, depending on the brand.
In addition, he happens to have over 90 pairs of weird socks as well. I think MANY women can relate to that secret obsession!
Larry attended JULO Strategy’s CEO Mindset course to get out of his own way and add value to himself and his business. He realized running a nonprofit was no different than running any other type of business. He needed to let his employees handle the tasks he usually controlled, allowing him to run the business as the CEO. Delegating certain responsibilities alleviated his stress and,as a result,the organization grew and ran more smoothly. He now dares to be more open with his volunteers, and with the right structure, he can accomplish his goals.
We love how you are helping women and minorities in the communitybe includedin the Cybersecurity community, Larry. We can’t wait to see what you continue to do with this nonprofit and the impact it will continue to have in the workplace for cybersecurity! You are one kick–ass CEO! Nichols Nichols2020-12-17 11:45:382020-12-18 10:17:02Larry Whiteside Jr. – Bringing Diversity in the Field of Cybersecurity
Remember when you were a kid; you would cut out clippings from newspapers and magazines and stick it up on your wall or in your binder. Sometimes it was a celebrity crush you had, or maybe it was a dream job you saw; a notable author you inspired to be like. You had dreamsand told yourself one day you would make it big. You were building a vision for your future and what you wanted and giving your imagination a way to express itself.
Shannon Carlton, CEO of Intentional Growth Strategies, teaches this practice today. Her services are most effective for women whowant more fulfillment, gratitude, creativity, and balance; are feeling “stuck” but don’t know why; and want to live the life they know they were created to live.
At the age of 40, Shannon decided she was done living safely and securely. Using the money her dad left in his life insurance, she took the plunge into opening a coworking space. For the past 4 years, Shannon has helped women in small businesses envision their lives with Vision Boards and accountability training. “I have heard from these women what an impact it has had on their lives and careers and wanted to share that passion with women small business owners everywhere.”
“When you create a Vision Board not only will you be more motivated to make significant changes in your routines, but you will also change your life and the lives of your family because of your vision.”This can be any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life. Identify your vision and give it clarity.
Our Founder, Juliann Nichols, spoke at one of Shannon’s Vision Board retreats where Shannon learned about the CEO Mindset course. She took the program to get collaboration with other entrepreneurs and walk away with a clear vision, solid business plan, and to overall THINK BIGGER as a CEO. The biggest struggle she overcame was making sure processes and procedures were in place to support growth. “That is what CEO Mindset is great about. You must set up these processes and delegate to other people to free up the ‘genius’ space in your mind. Even though I loved having the big ideas and putting out the fires, I had to get away from that and think of myself as the CEO, not the employee.”
In January, Shannon released a book titled “Manifest Your Vision with Grace, Gratitude and Growth: Your Guide to Getting Unstuck and Creating the Life You Desire with Vision Boards.”Designed to help you create the life you want to live by creating a Vision Board and then digging deep into setting goals and creating habits that will take you closer to your vision. You can pick up a copy here (insert link).
Shannon also has an exciting event coming up. The 2nd Annual Ladies Business Vision Board Retreat from January 15-17, 2021 will dedicate allyour time to growing your businesses and rediscovering your Vision for your professional life. “My excitement for this retreat far exceeds that of any of the previous Vision Board retreats I’ve hosted! This one is dedicated specifically to your business and will provide you clarity for the new year.”You can learn all about this exciting event here (insert link).
We are so happy for all your accomplishments Shannon and look forward to seeing your business grow!
If you are looking for a lesson on shrimp, Thom Favorin is the teacher you need. As Founder and CEO of Harvest Moon Seafood, Thom and his crew supply all natural, chemical–free, sustainably caught Florida Pink, Atlantic White, and Royal Red Shrimp. They believe in bringing back local and naturally sourced product from great Florida fisheries to not only Florida restaurants, but people across the nation.
Having a relationship with the Captains themselves, Harvest Moon provides sea to table fresh seafood. They are a 100% disabled veteran owned business providing the best product possible. A portion of their sales go back to fellow veterans and they partner with HEAVENDROPt, a nonprofit that employs disabled veterans and civilians to help give them purpose in their lives. They accomplish this by providing employment opportunities to these two segments of our population.
Originally from Pennsylvania, Thom spent ten years in the Army before being medically discharged after an airborne incident where he broke his back. He became a medic firefighter for the next 20 years. After having a severe heart attack and subsequent triple heart bypass, he retired and started his entrepreneurship with Harvest Moon Seafood LLC. Believe it or not, Thom used to HATE seafood! After his surgery, his taste buds changed and now he cannot get enough of it!
Thom can tell you everything you ever needed to know about shrimp. For instance, did you know that there are over 300 different species of shrimp? While only a small portion are available commercially, each one has its own flavor profile. White shrimp have a sweeter flavor profile, while pink shrimp are the common one you see behind the seafood counter. If you like lobster, rock shrimp or royal red shrimp are great for their firm texture and you can even substitute them for lobster as a more affordable option.
Thom heard about our CEO Mindset course through one of our partners, Veterans Florida, and felt it was exactly what his business needed at the time. Finding out he was “too nice of a guy”, he realized he needed to step up in the CEO role
of his company and start taking control of what he needed for his business to succeed. “It was an amazing course with so much knowledge, and the energy throughout the whole group of participants was just amazing. The information was out there but you just didn’t realize or think of it on a regular basis when running your company.”
Soon after taking the course, COVID took a toll on restaurants, taking Thom’s production from 30 restaurants to just 2. Thom felt the anxiety most of the population was struggling with, “What do I do now? What is my plan B?” They pivoted to online home delivery and business took off. They will soon introduce an ecommerce website to be able to ship Florida seafood nationwide. After 7 months of hard work and collaboration, Thom and Harvest Moon Seafood have partnered with Jackson and Partners, a sales and marketing team that gives back to Veterans. 22% of Harvest Moon Seafood’s gross net sales gives back to the HEAVENDROPt program.
In his spare time, Thom loves going to the beach with his family, his wife of 28 years and two beautiful daughters ages 24 and 16. JULO loves your generosity towards your fellow Veterans, Thom. It’s amazing to see how far you have come in your journey to success. We congratulate you on everything you have accomplished and can’t wait to see your business thrive! Nichols Nichols2020-12-03 11:25:582020-12-03 17:35:58Thom Favorin – CEO of Harvest Moon Seafood and Shrimp Connoisseur
Alice DeGeorge is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Presque Isle Printing Services, LLC, specializing in start-ups, small businesses and nonprofits, with the goal of providing the best in-house graphic design, great looking printing, and on-brand marketing in the local Erie area.
When stated this way, it sounds so simple; but when Alice arrived in Erie, Pennsylvania in 1995, still in her early twenties, she did not envision how her career path might unfold. One could say that her crystal ball was…cloudy.
While enjoying all that Erie had to offer, Alice embarked on a series of unrelated pre-career jobs. Her favorite former job was at Erie’s well-known Plymouth Tavern, where she worked for ten years as a waitress and trivia game host. To this day, she still praises the owner, Barb Haggerty, who taught Alice all she needed to know about great customer service and how to be a top-notch small business owner!
In 2004, Alice enrolled in Tri-State Business Institute and earned a degree in Website Development & Management; that credential laid the foundation for what Alice would describe as her “first real job,” in which she updated websites for a fish tackle company. After a year, realizing that the job was not for her, she quit and jumped into her first print industry position with a small franchise located in Erie. Here she found her calling: a position in which she could mix her design skills with the fast pace of the print industry, combined with direct customer interaction. Beyond all doubt, she knew that this was her career sweet spot! However, after two years, her paychecks started to bounce. Having no other choice, she left that job for another graphic design position; but three months later that business was bought out by a larger company. Alice was given notice that, in six weeks, her employment would terminate.
That was it: working within the print industry, Alice lost two jobs within a period of six months. She knew what she had to do and she set about her plan. During her final six weeks of employment, Alice found an office space, equipment, machines and set up accounts with suppliers.
In the midst of the national housing crisis of 2008, Alice was able to obtain a small business loan with which she purchased two copiers; and, with a credit card capped at five thousand dollars, she was able to purchase spare equipment from fellow colleagues in the print industry. Her last day at the old printing job was also her first day of business ownership: Presque Isle Printing Services was now born! To her own amazement, Alice opened her business doors on December 1, 2008.
With her business well into its second decade, Presque Isle Printing Services is now in its third location, with expanded office space, private parking lot, attractive reception area, and lovely flowers blooming outside during Erie’s growing season. All this, with Alice and expert staff inside, can be found at 4318 West Ridge Road. Even the casual observer knows that this is what success looks like.
Now a known participant in the Erie business community, Alice has embraced the mission of giving back to and building upon the capacities of others. She and her husband reside in Erie, the city which is now their home. She has skydived FOUR times and is the Queen of tye-dye t-shirts in Erie. She calls it her side hustle throughout the year and has made over 20,000 tye dye shirts all by hand!
In May 2017 the Jet Radio announcer, Allan Carpenter, opened the program by stating, “Thank you for joining us for “Keeping It Local, Keeping Erie Awesome!” I am here with my co-host, the irrepressible Alice DeGeorge!” There is no better one-word descriptor: irrepressible! Alice now interviews her clients who are advancing forward with their own dreams as local small business owners and who are also giving back to the Erie community. Her broadcasts travel throughout Erie and the surrounding region to reach the ears of listeners who enjoy Alice’s friendly style and encouraging advice. As the creator and co-host of two live radio shows, she invites all to tune in on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, as follows:
Keeping It Local, Keeping Erie Awesome – Alice places the spotlight on her customers, who are not only great local small business owners, but also people who give back considerably to our Erie community, through event and sports sponsorship, donating to non-profit events or organizations, volunteering in the community or by coming up with their own way to give back to the community that supports them.
The Go Ask Alice Radio Show – The idea for this show came after Alice had a journey with Breast Cancer in 2019. During this time, she learned so much and came to the realization that “Knowledge is power, but only if you share it with others!” On this show, her guests are local small business owners who share the knowledge, tips and tricks they have learned to help those coming up in the small business world! In June of 2020, Alice shifted the show into a one-hour call-in show. Local business owners could call with problems or questions, and Alice and her guest would do their best to help with the experience and knowledge they have gained as business owners themselves.
Both shows broadcast live from the Boston Store in Erie, PA on Jet Radio 1400Am, 96.7FM, streaming the I Heart Radio App and on Facebook Live.
Alice attended JULO Strategy’s CEO Mindset™ online cohort to get guidance from her peers to help her navigate this unsure time in her business life. “I feel there is something on the horizon for me, but I have so many ideas, I am looking for help to wrangle them in, in order to get them going.”
After taking Phase I she learned she has it in her to be a CEO of her company, not just an employee. “I was on the right path with how I was feeling. and can make the hard decisions to get the results I want to achieve.”
Alice just finished our Phase II class and has seen revenue increase, gained 25 new clients, and is planning to hire an additional employee. She is planning on joining our new Phase III and we cannot wait to continue on her journey of success!
Alice has fulfilled her vision of becoming a successful business owner and radio show host. With her kind, fun-loving, hard-working, skilled, risk-taking, and creative spirit, she already serves as a role model for anyone within and beyond Erie, Pennsylvania. At 47 years of age and with decades yet ahead, there is no telling where her next round of successes might take her; but Alice DeGeorge will be on the path to someplace beyond the status quo…and knowing Alice, she will make that a much better place. Nichols Nichols2020-08-20 17:26:362020-08-28 09:08:28In the World of Printing “Resilience” is Spelled: /Alice . DeGeorge/
John Buese is the Founder of Strategic Bookkeeping & Advisory, your local small business financial partner. At Strategic Bookkeeping & Advisory, they’re more than just your bookkeepers; they’re your strategic partners in success. They manage the numbers, so you can focus on making your business thrive. John will help you to build a solid financial foundation that supports your goals and propels your company to new heights. He empowers your accounting and bookkeeping strategy with precision and expertise.
When John is not being your financial whisperer, you can find him traveling and experiencing new areas, hiking, and staying physically fit. He’s an Army Veteran that retired as a Lieutenant Colonel and now he brings over two decades of military intelligence and operational expertise to the realm of financial management.
Niels Andersen
Niels is a Navy veteran and the CEO & Founder of KontactIntelligence, MedCV, VetCV, & VeritasHealthCare. His passion for helping others is obvious from the first conversation. He’s a serial entrepreneur and is using his success to pay it forward in the veteran community with VetCV.
He has over 35 years in enterprise tech development focused on the business of healthcare for commercial and government health systems, physicians, advanced practice providers, and other allied health professionals. He’s an industry writer and public speaker in tech entrepreneurship and healthcare with published articles in New England Journal of Medicine’s Recruiting Physicians Today, CHEST, Association of Staff Physician Recruiters publications, and others.
His most recent tech launches were MedCV and VetCV. MedCV is a Private Credentialing Vault and Practice Resources App enabling physicians and healthcare professionals control and manage their licenses, certifications, CME, and many other critical components needed to maintain their careers and practices.
VetCV puts Veterans in control again. VetCV is a Web App created by Veterans, for Veterans, providing Active Military, Veterans, and their families with a secure, safe, online Vault to help deliver “Life” tools and resources we can all use as we move through life’s next adventures.
Pepper Wooten
As the co-founder and CEO, Pepper Wooten is a seasoned spiritual guide with over 20 years of experience in the world of soul-level healing. She’s your go-to guru for wisdom and whole-being transformation, and she’s all about helping you navigate your unique life journey.
Pepper’s teachings are the real deal, no fluff or nonsense. She offers a straightforward path to liberation and self-empowerment. Her methods are fresh, drawing from ancient wisdom and tailored for today’s world. So, whether you’re battling challenges, searching for your purpose, or just craving a big positive change, Pepper’s got your back.
With a deep understanding of nervous system regulation, she provides holistic healing and guidance that goes beyond the ordinary. Join her on the exciting journey of the Worrier to Warrior Program, and get ready to embrace healing, empowerment, and a world of endless possibilities. It’s #PeppTalkTime, and you won’t want to miss it! 🌟💪
We are Maximize Digital Media, a digital marketing company specializing in helping small businesses and entrepreneurs with online marketing strategies. We are known for our coaching skills in the fields of Website Design, Internet Marketing, Social Media, and Search Engine Optimization.
Creating beautiful, obtainable websites for small businesses and entrepreneurs is our passion. Providing those same businesses with the marketing strategies to propel them forward is the work that we’re proud of. And empowering others to learn and master the tools and techniques that will drive their continued success is our ultimate goal.
Our team is filled with people who live and breathe marketing strategy, who hold a brand’s website in the same regard as a piece of artwork, and who make it their personal mission to see a client succeed. We believe in telling a client’s story, painting a masterpiece with it, and marketing it with heart.
We are committed to making a meaningful difference in our community. Chrissanne and Craig are the creators of Lakeland Business Leaders, a local business network that connects local solutions to customers in real-time. Maximize, together with BRIDGE Local, stands behind small businesses, entrepreneurs, and start-ups.
LARRY SCHULER CEO/Founder Schu’s Hospitality Group, LLC
Larry “Schu” Schuler is currently the CEO/Founder of Schu’s Hospitality Group, LLC, a hospitality management and consultancy company formed in 2010. Larry has an eye toward becoming the premier provider of guest services in Central Florida through Superior Guest Insight™ and the delivery of Surprising Hospitality™ – his passion in a world that has, sadly, left guest insight and remarkable hospitality by the wayside. A leading achievement of Schu’s Hospitality Group was providing management and strategic development of the food operations and staff to prestigious Dearborn, MI client The Henry Ford’s $16M dining experiences. His role helped propel The Henry Ford to the forefront of Detroit’s food movement prior to his relocation to Tampa.
Schu is a fourth-generation restaurateur who began his hospitality career early and who has extensive experience and a proven track record in the restaurant/hospitality business. Encouraged by his grandfather, Win Schuler, and father, Hans, Schu vigorously pursued a broad, well-rounded work experience in hospitality management which led to employment with the Robert Mondavi Winery in Napa, CA in 1982, and the Westin Hotel Galleria in Dallas, TX. Schu returned to his Michigan roots in 1986 and became Vice President and General Manager of the family’s well-known Schuler’s Restaurant and Pub in Marshall, MI. No respectable Midwest home would have been without Win Schuler’s Bar Scheeze in the refrigerator in the 80’s and 90’s – yes, that Win Schuler’s Bar Scheeze!. Larry is also former owner of the popular Schu’s Grill and Bar in St. Joseph, MI, which opened in 1990 and still operates today, as well as Schu’s on Silver Beach.
For the past four years, Larry “Schu” Schuler has been an executive team member of 23 Restaurant Services, LLC, and the Ford’s Garage chain, building the company’s total units from four to twenty-one. Larry served as Vice President of Supply Chain Management, responsible for procurement of all foods, beverage, supply, furniture, equipment and materials, and for managing contracts and agreements for all units. Concepts include Ford’s Garage Prime Burger and Craft Brews, Yeoman’s Cask and Lion Pubs, Tiki Docks Riverview Bar and Grill, Tiki Docks Skyway Bar and Grill, and Capone’s Coal Fired Pizzeria. Additionally, he functioned as the corporate conduit for franchise communication and brand equity. Schu later served as President of 23 Restaurants, opening two Tiki Docks concepts during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trish Murphy is owner of Marketing Smarty Pants, an online marketing company with an emphasis on content marketing. Content Marketing is the secret weapon to making your business stand out in the crowd. Trish helps businesses create and promote valuable content that connects with customers and builds brand equity.
As a content marketer she’s been applauded for her fun and informative marketing presentations, and providing simple content marketing solutions that fit any sized business.
When she’s not being a Marketing Smarty Pants, you can find her with her horse, curled up with a good book, or being silly with her kiddos. Trish is a Florida native, born right here in Orlando. She is an Air Force Veteran and has a bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management. She is on Chairman of the Orlando Chapter of the Florida Association of Veteran Owned Businesses.