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Angela Tormey Ally Legal Estate and Firearms Plannin Head ShotAngela Tormey is the CEO and founder of Ally Legal, P.A. in Lithia, Florida. Her practice area is Estate and Firearms Planning where she helps families protect their loved ones, their wealth, and their firearms. (Talk about a cool profession!) She is well-versed in addressing the needs of traditional, blended, military and civilian families and individuals at all stages of life from heading off to college to providing a nest egg for great-grandchildren and other loved ones.

Her philosophy for her business is simple. If you just want to buy paper with some basic legal terms on it, she may not be a good fit for you. There are attorneys and services out there who will do exactly that for you and, most likely, at a price point that will make you smile. On the other hand, if you are looking for a long-term estate planning professional who will walk with you through life’s many changes all while applying a holistic and guiding approach to the process of legacy and wealth protection, then you are in luck.

As Air Force Retiree and North Georgia native, Angela moved to the Tampa Bay area in 2014 with her husband (who is also an Air Force Retiree), their children, and dog to enjoy the Florida sunshine and reconnect with the area’s numerous Veterans.

Attorney Tormey has been featured at Western Michigan University’s Thomas M. Cooley Law School’s Professionalism Panel Series, Bay Area Legal Services Pro Bono Spotlight, Women of the Military Podcast Series, Great American Teach-in Presenter, and at Bell Creek Academy’s Financial Literacy Panel. She also volunteers her time as Secretary/Treasurer for Business Networking International’s (BNI) Prosperity in Action Chapter, board member for the Florida Association of Veteran Owned Businesses Tampa Chapter, Deputy Chapter Captain-Riverview of Team RWB Tampa, and Bell Creek Academy’s Inaugural School Advisory Committee.

Angela holds 2 associate degrees and a Professional Manager Certificate from the Community College of the Air Force, an undergrad certificate in Explosive Ordnance Disposal and B.A. in Homeland Security from American Military University, and a Juris Doctor from Thomas M. Cooley Law School.

Angela attended our CEO Mindset™ Phase I course to figure out strategies to streamline her processes in her Estate and Firearms Planning business. “It’s not something that will happen overnight but through consistent application, the lessons will become habits.”Angela Tormey CEO Mindset a-ha moment

She is currently attending our Phase II course and we cannot wait to see how her business thrives!

Apply to CEO Mindset ™

JULO Strategy and Veterans Florida

Program expenses for all Florida veteran participants are covered through funding provided by the Florida Legislature and Veterans Florida