
Tag Archive for: Clave para negocio exitoso


Hiram Diaz - Desarrollador de Residuales FarmasiHiram Diaz from childhood believed in himself and in his ability to persevere. His family structure was not what you might consider a traditional support system, to him it felt broken and challenging. His experience in middle school and moving up through high school, began to mold him into what appeared to be a difficult student.  The one that teachers felt would fall through the cracks.  If 7th grade were divided into five different 7th grade classes where 7-A would be considered the best class with the best students, he was in 7-Z.  He always felt his teachers and the system had a place for him that he argued was not who he was inside or who he wanted to become.

Hiram’s mother worked as a substitute teacher and in constant transition. Most of the schools she taught at were among the most dangerous and undesired schools in the hottest ghettos of Metro San Juan. All this instability and constant change began to convince him that the system was accurate.   He was beginning to lose his own self-confidence in what he saw for his future.

When the time for college came that stereotype of a difficult student followed him.  His frustrations over this resulted in physical fights in class leading to his expulsion.  He was only able to accumulate 3 college credits in Physical Education.  Nothing that could go toward an actual degree or major.  As a result of this, he could not land a proper job, the dark cloud seemed to continue to blur his vision.  At this time, is situation was more challenging as he was now married and had a child to care for.  He finally secured his first good job at a hardware store where he was then fired due to his appearance.

Hiram was always a leader at heart that translated to being a trend-setter from his clothing to his hair. Management at his place of employment could not get passed his dreadlocks and his fashion sense. It was not what they felt best defined them as a brand. Heavy hearted, Hiram today and even then, understood the reason, but as a true non-conformist, he knew he had to define his own path to success.

During these difficult times he met a man who helped him find his identity in Christ, and who still till this day is his pastor, spiritual leader, father-figure, and business mentor, Pastor Angel Molina.  A man who stood with posture and embodied the definition of a true gentleman, a provider, and successful entrepreneur and author. Angel Molina has two books in the entrepreneur space “Conquistando Tu Libertad Financiera” and “Momentum: La Clave Para Un Negocio Exitoso.”

The time invested with his Pastor helped Hiram find himself connect with God and fill his spiritual void. These were the things Hiram was determined to learn, become, and reflect. Hiram wanted to achieve household governance, stewardship, and be part of an enterprise. When his pastor explained the concept of Network Marketing it came natural to him. That was the space he saw opportunity.  He knew this was a time to shift and he knew he could shine.

From then and to this day, Hiram has instructed, educated, and supported others by training over 22,000+ families to an accumulated 60,480 hours of instruction. He likes numbers and sees them as milestones for self-growth. He understands he is now at an expert level in the realm of Network Marketing.  While humbled by his success, he understands his responsibility to what the next level requires of him.

Hiram now thinks, acts, and understands money, but more importantly understands poverty. He understands poverty to be an actual strategy, and he understands that for an individual to elevate or escape poverty he/she must understand their own wisdom. Wisdom, he says, as he discovered in Proverbs Chapter 24:14. Wisdom is that thing you must know how to decode, or it passes you by. Not by luck, but by opening your mind to accept and learn how to leverage in life. Hiram Diaz Network Marketing

Hiram feels strongly about the need to deconstruct your way of thinking.  If your end-in-mind is to lead a business and succeed, how do you extract disinformation from what you have been programed to believe. He says, “Pause, reflect within, and ask yourself why do you know what you know? And does it lead you to success.” He added “you must define your mentors and understand their process to win the challenge of success”—Hiram looks at success as a challenge you must be ready for. He speaks to the importance of wisdom, but he reflects a level of dedication often missed by those in an employee mindset.

He understands that we are educated to participate in poverty and some societies more than others. He always lived in disorder and always strived for the opposite. Both his current Pastor Abel Molina as well as his original mentor Ramon Mojica, let him know you start with structure around you, define your day, carry out your promises, keep a schedule and keep it along with your agenda and planner. Follow this by the ability to produce, educate, and transform others.

Today Hiram’s organization clears $2 million per month in revenue.  He understands that along with his team, they have achieved prosperity. He understands that once you are part of that 9% in today’s economic structure, laws begin to work in your favor.   Provided laws, like taxation, were established by the rich to protect their own. Hiram feels confident his organization’s platform provides the best path to true wealth and walks the individual through steps supported through a community of practitioners. Wealth is not only achieved through dedication and training time invested in oneself, but also by allowing your family to ride along. As he sees it, there should not be a separation from family or significant other if you want to be an entrepreneur and achieve success. In Hiram’s organization, they strive for family-inclusive work-life balance. He says “why should a single mother feel like their child’s interruption during a Facebook live event be considered as negative? On the contrary, we should teach our children early to find their own path and be their beacon of guidance.”

10 Codes To Follow Hiram Diaz FarmasiHiram’s focus and mission are one that helps others disinform and turn back the time to that moment they were told what to do, who they are, and why their individual value seems predetermined. He wants people to self-discover the reason why they think, and moreover, why they think the way they do. He tells them to stop, deprogram, and grow. He wants people to look within and ask themselves, why am I stuck? Why do I start things and never finish them? He wants people to strive to get to a place where they understand their worth and use their mind to discover creativity and innate intelligence. He says, “I want to instill in others the ability to stop pointing fingers, judge less, help others.”

At JULO Strategy we celebrate the opportunity to speak with Hiram Diaz and realize our paths have crossed due to our approach on elevating the entrepreneurial mindset.  We can only watch in awe of what is next for Hiram and his team. Continued success Hiram!

At JULO Strategy we believe that overcoming the obstacles you face in your quest for success requires a monumental shift toward a new mindset — what we call the CEO Mindset. We believe there’s a CEO in everyone. And when you become the CEO of YOU, you’ll always move forward in the right direction with focus and ease.

To learn more about Hiram Diaz follow the links below:

Hiram Diaz: Facebook Business Page https://www.facebook.com/Inversionist/
Hiram Diaz Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hiramceo/
Website: https://www.farmasius.com/HiramDiaz
TikTok Handle @hiramceo

Pastor Ramon Mojica (Mentor) @ramon_mojicapr

Pastor Angel Molina (Mentor) @angelmolinagali


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